R11D31-32 – Winter Olympic Lifting

sochi2014flameThe opening ceremonies for the Sochi Olympics are this morning. I know that the Winter games don’t have the lustre of their summer counterparts and to imagine those poor Canadian Hockey players suffering needlessly in their shared rooms is almost too much to bear but it is the Olympics so I am suitably excited. Not about Hockey of course which to me is more like chicken fencing where you can’t whack someone with your stick until they hit you first just like Toronto’s little  bitch coward Kessel did. Anyway, that’s only one uninspiring thing about the winter Games but there are plenty of other mouthwatering spectacles like the luge, snowboarding and of course ski cross. Add to that skeleton, slopestyle and aerials and you have yourself a smorgasbord of entertainment.

And one more thing, if you think that ski jumping is easy, think again, there are times when it doesn’t go so well, and I am not talking about Eddie the Eagle, sometimes making it off the end of the ramp isn’t a guarantee.

That said, it was really just a filler for the fact that it’s winter and I did my Olympic lifting rotation again, however I am happy to announce that I managed to complete more this time, doing all 5 rounds of deadlifts and hang cleans and 4 of 5 power cleans with 135. I am thinking by March I should be able to see if I can get my deadlift up to my PR which is (I am sorry to admit) only 200lbs, however, after 2 back surgeries and only about a year actually doing the deadlift (not counting the lifts I used to do 20+ years ago) it’s not so bad.

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