RKC at Work – No Excuses

kettlebellworkDon’t have time to work out after work and don’t want to get up sooo early to do it? I work at a “desk” job (albeit a standing desk) and if I bring my workout stuff with me I can squeeze in a quick 30 minute workout during lunch. Now I know people whine about being sweaty and I assume smelly, well, here is the thing. Shower the night before or the morning of, wear newly washed workout clothes and once you are done the workout cool down to the degree that you are no longer sweating and you can return to normality. If you have showers at work then you have zero excuse, we don’t so my cool down is imperative to make sure I am not still sticky or sweaty when I get changed. Guess what, it’s a great time to work on your stretching and / or mobility issues. Recently they had installed a pull up bar in the small workout room so I was able to do this:

5 minutes stretching, hindu pushups, halo etc.

12345 ladder clean and press @45lb with pullups +20 swings at the end
12345 ladder clean and press @45lb with pullups +20 two hand swings and 20 one hand swings at the end
5 Snatches plus 5 Clean and Press x 3 with 60 seconds of alternating 1 and 2 hand swings 15s each.
12345 ladder clean and press @45lb with pullups +20 swings at the end
12345 ladder clean and press @45lb with pullups +20 swings at the end

10 minute cool down including lower back stretch, leg stretch, groin work, 5lb dumbbell to work on the knots in my scapula region, intermittent dead hanging off the pullup bar to stretch my spine.

Back to work.

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